Thursday, December 30, 2010


Its me ... peace yooo..

 Ha ape nk d kate ni... pengaruh la ni kan... org nk ade blog aku pun nk... this is not my 1st blog k... dh 3 kot.. tp semua hangat2 tahik yamyam jew... so for this time i hope this blog can be alive for the longer time.. wakaka..

  For the beginning ..xpayah la nk
cite panjang2 kan... i will introduce my self for the next chapter hohohoho..
so even xde follower pun ade aku kesah??? janji aku nk jgk ade blog tau nnt ade bf mcm 
apex gak hots u alls.. hehehe..

Ape2 pun.. selamat berblog la yer... hope i will enjoy with my new interest...^_^